I will keep on updating this blog.
Please leave your comments, as the feedback.
Thank you people for your response.
16-OCT-2007 (Tuesday)
Q. David Beckham, Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Sarah Jessica,
Shilpa Shetty, Shah Rukh Khan are some of the people. What does these people
have in common ? (Other than they are celebrities !)
Q. Starting in the late 1880s, European representatives of Thomas Edison recorded the voices of famous people to publicize the newly-invented phonograph. Not long after, this famous person became first one, whose voice was recorded when alive and heard after his death.
Name the person.
Fact: Have you ever thought why there are no 'B' drive in our computer ?
15-OCT-2007 (Monday)
Q. "X" is an anagram of "Y", the title of the book on which the movie is based. A research done by Universal Pictures showed that women over 30 would not go to see a movie titled "Y" so Universal Pictures changed the title to be more inviting to a wider audience. The book was later re-released with the name X in order to capitalize on interest in the movie.
Identify X and Y.
Q. An European company, into forest products for the first 130 years of its existence, diversified into Television manufacturing in the eighties, but lost money there; burnt its fingers making computers and ultimately sold the computer division, faced a slump during the Russian recession of the early 90's, went deep in the red, and its CEO committed suicide. The new CEO decided to change the business they were in, and virtually reinvented the company. The company got its name from a river where they got relocated.
Name the company.
12-OCT-2007 (Friday)
Q. Software 'X' is intended to play on words. 'Y' is said to have played his lyre as the city 'Z' burned. The program LOGO is historically inaccurate, where it shows a historical structure on fire.
Identify X,Y,Z.

Given is a pic from a cartoon series called as "ROAD RUNNER". Every product displayed in this cartoon has a label called "ACME" (like the rocket above).
What is ACME ?
11-OCT-2007 (Thursday)
Q. KABUL (June-11-2004) : Don't telephone an Afghan at 8.30 in the evening. Chances are, he or she will be settled down and doing "some thing" ? What is that "something" in which the Afghans dont want be disturbed during that time ?
Q. On whose Epitaph it says "I lie somewhere over here".
Q. Two friends Frank and Tony live 15 miles apart from each other in England. They frequently come down to a bar midway between their towns to have a talk over drinks. These talks are by no means ordinary ones and every time one is held, a significant decision is brought about in the sporting world. How do we know them ??
Q. What is the full form of 'GNU' used in LINUX ?
(1) "Saat Swaad me LIJJAT LIJJAT papad" was the song of LIJJAT Compnay TV ad.
Why the "saat" (7) swaad ?
(1)He has been a prof of Electrical Engg and Computer Science at the Massachussetts Instt of Technology for 35 years
(2) His products are used in GM Cars, Zenith and Phillips TV divisions, NASA space shuttles, the Queen Elizabeth liner, and Broadway theaters.
(3) His father fled from Calcutta where he was wanted by the British police for revolutionary activities.
Identify the person.
"Ctrl + Atl + Del" combination of keys was invented by Dave Bradley who was an Engineer in IBM. Ctrl+Alt+Del is also known as "Three Finger Salute" and was used to reboot the computer.
Amar Gopal Bose
Way to go dear Rekde....
We love Oracle!
nice blog rekhde!
Because there were 7 ladies who started lijjat papad. Thats why SAAT .....
Women from neighbouring seven villages were working for this SSI
Could refer to the shadruchi, 7 kinds of tastes.
Full form of GNU is "GNU's Not Unix"
and saat swad is because seven ladies started his.
Duckwoth and Lewis
GNU is a recursive acronym meaning 'Gnu is Not Unix' and it contains the acronym GNU in its definition and hence its recursive.
"I lie somewhere over here" - Werner Heisenberg(Nobel laureate, famous for his Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle)
I lie somewhere over here
— Werner Heisenberg, as in Uncertainty Principle.
Don't telephone an Afghan at 8.30 in the evening they will be wathcing
kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi !!
watching an indian soap opera
ACME == "american company making everything"
dunno X
but y=nero
ACME is a ficticious mail order company from which Coyote obtains complex complex and ludicrious devices to catch Road Runner !
a company that makes everything
12-Oct first qn answer is Nero?
I think you should have kept it little tougher. A simple wikipedia search gets you all the answers.
1. For the first one the answer is
X=Nero Burning ROM software
the logo has the error where for burning Rome it shows a colloseum in fire .. which is historically inaccurate.
2. The Acme Corporation is a fictional corporation that exists in the Looney Tunes universe. It appeared most prominently in the Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote cartoons, which made Acme famous for outlandish and downright dangerous products that failed catastrophically at the worst possible times.
[Copy paste from wikipedia
American Company Making Everything
"October Sky" is an anagram of "Rocket Boys", the title of the book on which the movie is based. Homer Hickam stated that in research done by Universal Pictures, women over 30 would not go to see a movie titled "Rocket Boys", so Universal Pictures changed the title to be more inviting to a wider audience.
I am copying Exact sentence from wikipedia
An European company, into forest products for the first 130 years of its existence, diversified into Television manufacturing in the eighties, but lost money there; burnt its fingers making computers and ultimately sold the computer division, faced a slump during the Russian recession of the early 90's, went deep in the red, and its CEO committed suicide. The new CEO decided to change the business they were in, and virtually reinvented the company. The company got its name from a river where they got relocated.
Answer: Company Name is Nokia
Q. Starting in the late 1880s, European representatives of Thomas Edison recorded the voices of famous people to publicize the newly-invented phonograph. Not long after, this famous person became first one, whose voice was recorded when alive and heard after his death.
Ans:Robert Browning, This person died in 1889 and was heard in 1890 one year after his death.
Copied from wikipedia
Robert Browning was the first person to ever have his voice heard after his death. On a recording made by Thomas Edison in 1889, Browning reads "How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix" (including apologizing when he forgets the words). It was first played in Venice in 1890.
Why computers don't have a 'B' Drive.
Q. David Beckham, Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Sarah Jessica,
Shilpa Shetty, Shah Rukh Khan are some of the people. What does these people
have in common ? (Other than they are celebrities !)
A. All of them have their own branded perfumes.
Q. David Beckham, Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Sarah Jessica,
Shilpa Shetty, Shah Rukh Khan are some of the people. What does these people
have in common ? (Other than they are celebrities !)
Answer: Common Perfume..
Q. It was introduced as an experiment in Delhi with the support of the UNESCO, Philips and the US Govt. in 1959. It was delinked from its mother organization in 1976 and given the status of an independent corporation.
It was raking in Rs. 10 billion in ad revenue by 1987.
Which company are we talking about?
Answer: Doodarshan. Means Old DD
18th oct question : PINK FLOYD
wud write names in circle : ROUND ROBIN
rocket boys
october sky
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